Ismene Geraldine Mavrocordatos

Ismene Geraldine Mavrocordatos has extensive experience in trust and corporate legal matters and in trust management.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in law from the University of Middlesex, London and a Diploma in International Trust Management (STEP). In addition, she has attended numerous business training seminars, including the Directors Duties and Liabilities Seminar held by the Cyprus International Institute of Management and the Anti-Money Laundering Seminar run by the Cyprus Bar Association.
She started her career in Landwell, the legal arm of PwC and for a period of seven years has worked for reputable corporate legal and business firms in Cyprus specialising on Trusts, Trust Management and corporate law matters. She was the internal legal advisor of a multinational group of companies involved in cross border transactions globally.
She joined Calmco as manager in charge of legal and fiduciary services in October 2015.